Machakos County Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua approached Nema for approval to build an airport in Machakos town to boost regional trade and tourism. Located at Muvuti-Kiima-Kimwe Ward within the proposed New Machakos town, the Machakos Airport will sit on 104 hectares – about 8.5% of the planned 892-hectare town. The project involves construction of a taxiway, passenger and presidential terminals, as well as a 1.35km runway, and other amenities such as link roads and a water treatment plant. “The runway will be 1350m long and 45m wide. At both ends of the runway, a stop way will be constructed. The runway shoulders will be 7.5m wide and a Runway End Safety Area (RESA) of 180m length and 160m width will be provided at both ends of the runway,” Machakos says in its project report. The Machakos Airport’s passenger terminal, the airfield’s main terminal, will comprise 10 check-in counters, six security check points, 10 gates, six passenger boarding bridges, and immigration counters for arrival...

How to Build Self Confidence in 12 Steps!

 Do yo wish you had more confidence and more self esteem? Confidence is most important in everyone’s life. Here are a few reasons whey it is so important?

-Self confidence is important in everyone’s life, because it gives courage, self-esteem and assertiveness. When self-confidence is present, you are not afraid to take risks and to try new things.

-Self-confidence is essential for a happy and successful life.

-It is a quality of character that most people appreciate.

-When you possess confidence, you do not allow people’s words and actions to affect you how you feel.

When you are confident you do not take things too personally. This means a more peaceful life.

-When you improve your self confidence, you improve your emotional and mental health.

-Most people are not born with this quality of character. However, you can build it up.

You can build self-confidence by changing your mindset and your attitude toward life, even if various personal experiences in the past caused you to lose it.

Self confidence is often affected by how you believe people see you.

 you have low self-esteem, you would probably believe and feel that people don’t have a high opinion of you, which will of course, undermine your self confidence.

If you see yourself in your mind’s eye as lacking self confidence, you will behave accordingly, and people would treat you accordingly.

If you see yourself in your mind’s eye as strong and assertive, you would broadcast this attitude to the people you meet, who would sense your inner strength and treat you accordingly.

How to Build Your Self-Confidence

Self confidence tips to help you build your confidence and feeling of self-worth.

1. Think about what you have already done in your life

Even if you experienced failure and unhappiness in your life, there certainly are a few achievements.

These need not be great achievements, but quite simple ones, such as getting good grades at school or college, promotion at work, getting along well with your neighbors, getting your driving license, or learning to swim.

Thinking about those achievements makes you realize that you have experienced success in your life, and not all is failure.

This would make you feel better about yourself and about your life, and improve your self-esteem.

2. Focus on what you did and achieved, not on what you did not do and did not achieve

Why fill your mind with scenarios of failure?

If you keep thinking about failure, you unconsciously expect and anticipate it, and might eventually attract it to you. This would further spoil your sense of self-confidence.

You should replace this negative movie in your mind with a movie about success. See yourself in your mind, where you really want to be, living the life you really want.

If you keep watching a movie of success in your mind, you will eventually attract success. This process would build up your self-confidence.

3. Write down a list of your achievements and success

Take another step toward building your self-confidence and write down a list of your achievements and success, and at look at this list often.

You might say that you have never experienced success.

You are wrong about that.

You surely had, even if only occasionally, experienced some kind of success. Even baking a good cake, being in good relations with your spouse or children, or going for a walk almost every day is a form of success.

4. Think about your talents and abilities

Set a time each day to think about your talents and abilities, and find ways to develop and use them. Do not say that you have no talents and skills. Everyone has some. You just need to find them.

5. Strengthen your willpower and self-discipline

Lack of self-confidence goes hand in hand with lack of willpower and self-discipline.

When you strengthen your willpower and self-discipline, your self-confidence would grow strong too. I have written a lot about these topics in many articles.

I have also written a book about this topic, so there is no need to go deeper into it here.

Stronger willpower and self-discipline means more assertiveness, more self-esteem and more confidence.

6. Set small, simple goals

Set small, simple goals that are within your reach, and go achieve them. This will greatly boost your confidence.

I am talking about really small goals, such as cleaning and arranging your wardrobe or drawers, inviting friends to your house, starting to learn swimming, taking a short walk, or talking with someone whom you don’t like.

These small acts will make you feel better about yourself and increase your self-confidence.

7. Develop a positive attitude

Instead of focusing on negative events and expecting the worse, make the effort to focus on the positive and expect positive results.

This might not be easy if your mindset has always been negative.

However, with persistence, you can change your mental habits and build a positive attitude. You will find plenty of information about positive thinking at this website.

It would help, if you strive to remove from your mind and from your vocabulary all negative thoughts and words, and refrain from using them in your conversation.

8. Give yourself motivational talks

Remove any negative commentary running in your mind. Be firm, and do not allow negative comments about you and about your life to run in your mind.

You need to be more aware of what is going on in your mind and not allow negative self-talk to go on in your mind.

9. What we wear, often, affects how we feel

What kind of clothes makes you feel better? What colors make you feel more confident?

Choose the clothes and colors you like, and the ones that make you feel more confident.

10. Your body posture is important

Keep your back straight while walking and while sitting.

11. Act confidently

Act confidently, even if you are faking it. In time, acting confidently will become a habit.

12. Let your voice be heard

When talking, speak up and clearly and don’t be afraid to express your opinions.

Most Importantly practice the above tips for better outcomes. Just as the old adage goes; Practice makes perfect!

Fantastic! If this article was helpful, remember to leave a comment behind on what you think works for you in terms of stepping up your confidence. See you next!


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