Machakos County Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua approached Nema for approval to build an airport in Machakos town to boost regional trade and tourism. Located at Muvuti-Kiima-Kimwe Ward within the proposed New Machakos town, the Machakos Airport will sit on 104 hectares – about 8.5% of the planned 892-hectare town. The project involves construction of a taxiway, passenger and presidential terminals, as well as a 1.35km runway, and other amenities such as link roads and a water treatment plant. “The runway will be 1350m long and 45m wide. At both ends of the runway, a stop way will be constructed. The runway shoulders will be 7.5m wide and a Runway End Safety Area (RESA) of 180m length and 160m width will be provided at both ends of the runway,” Machakos says in its project report. The Machakos Airport’s passenger terminal, the airfield’s main terminal, will comprise 10 check-in counters, six security check points, 10 gates, six passenger boarding bridges, and immigration counters for arrival

Helicopter crashes after flying H.E. Raila Odinga.

 The chopper that had dropped H.E. Raila Amollo Odinga crashed as it took off in Siaya County.

According to Raila’s spokesperson Dennis Onyango, the helicopter, Bell 407 registration 5Y-PSM, had dropped Raila and four others at the venue and was trying to create space for other choppers when it crashed.

He said the ODM leader was safe and had left the plane by the time of the incident.

“The former PM is safe following an incident in which a chopper that had flown him from Kisumu to Gem in Siaya County crashed shortly after dropping him and his entourage of four people,” Onyango said in a statement.

Onyango said the pilot, and those who were on board escaped with minor injuries.

According to the chopper’s pilot Julius Mwambanga, the helicopter crashed as he tried to take off after dropping Raila who had accompanied President Kenyatta to the area to commission various projects.

Mwambanga said the helicopter went down and overturned on the left side immediately after taking off.

“The chopper was about five metres from the ground when it went down.

The chopper’s main and tail rotors were damaged.

Pictures taken at the scene show the chopper came to rest on its right side and "all major structural components" were in the immediate area of the main wreckage.

The cause of the crash is yet to be established. 


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