Machakos County Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua approached Nema for approval to build an airport in Machakos town to boost regional trade and tourism. Located at Muvuti-Kiima-Kimwe Ward within the proposed New Machakos town, the Machakos Airport will sit on 104 hectares – about 8.5% of the planned 892-hectare town. The project involves construction of a taxiway, passenger and presidential terminals, as well as a 1.35km runway, and other amenities such as link roads and a water treatment plant. “The runway will be 1350m long and 45m wide. At both ends of the runway, a stop way will be constructed. The runway shoulders will be 7.5m wide and a Runway End Safety Area (RESA) of 180m length and 160m width will be provided at both ends of the runway,” Machakos says in its project report. The Machakos Airport’s passenger terminal, the airfield’s main terminal, will comprise 10 check-in counters, six security check points, 10 gates, six passenger boarding bridges, and immigration counters for arrival

Body of missing businessman Bashir Mohammed found!

The body of Bashir Mohamed has been found at Kerugoya Level 5 Hospital mortuary.

                                                  [Picture above: The late Bashir Mohamed]

The Somali-American businessman went missing from Kilimani in Nairobi on Thursday, May 13.

Bashir’s body was retrieved from River Nyamindi last Sunday, May 16, where it had been dumped by unknown people.

Kirinyaga county criminal investigating officer (CCIO) Kiplagat Korir said they took the body to Kerugoya Level 5 Hospital mortuary awaiting identification.

Police say it took time to identify him as his face was disfigured and he had injuries on his body.

Korir said they took fingerprints from the body for identification and that is when it was established to be Mohamud Bashir Mohammed.

“We were informed that there was a body at River Nyamindi’s bed, that is Sunday last week (16/05/2021), we visited the scene where we collected the body and booked it at the Kerugoya morgue. Since it was naked and did not have any documents for identification, we took the fingerprints for identification. The details came late last night (Saturday 22/05/2021), showing that it was Bashir’s,” said Korir.

In a habeas corpus application filed at the Kajiado Law Courts, the family said they had every reason to believe Bashir was arrested by police officers.

Inspector-General of Police, Interior Cabinet Secretary, Director of Public Prosecution, OCS Oloolua Police Station, OCS Muthangari Police Station and the United States of America were listed as respondents in the petition.

“The police officers under the direction and command of the Respondents carried out an arbitrary arrest commando style and without any legal and moral consideration carried out unwarranted, intrusive, abusive and demeaning arrest,” said Bashir’s brother, Abdifatah Mohamed Mohamud.

CCTV footage revealed that Bashir was last seen leaving Miale Lounge in Lavington.

According to Abdifatah, attempts to trace him or obtain information from government agencies were met with stubbornness and resistance.

“All factors considered point to the fact Bashir was arrested by the officers,” said Abdifatah in court papers. He accused the American government of being non-committal about his brother’s whereabouts.

35-year-old Bashir was the director of Infinity Developers Limited. He had been in Kenya for the last five years undertaking multimillion shillings construction projects in Kenya, notably the Kibuye Market in Kisumu. 


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